Monday, February 22, 2010



I have a dream…. to incarnate as the rosy petal of the morning bloom.
To incarnate as the mild dew of dusky gloom.

I have a dream…. to incarnate as the whelming rainbow of the cloud scatter.
To incarnate as the sharp lightning of tumultuous thunder.

I have a dream…. to incarnate as the wailing cry of a whining baby.
To incarnate as the wobbling steps of a newborn pony.

I have a dream…. to incarnate as the melodic tune of the aesthetic mind.
To incarnate as the pedagogic quote of the poetic bind.

Dwelling in the drab of spiritless essence, pseudo named as life…

I have a dream…. to incarnate anew, experiencing the solace of a momentous ride.
And to wither away in the ashes of illuminated pride.

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