Roughly 8 years back...
Clad in a pink + peach + tinge of mauve* coloured salwar kameez and neatly pressed checked waist coat, I was among the group of people with intimidated spirits yet proud demeanor, marching into the building of superiority, of captaincy, of our turn of bullying lil school kids and of exclusive rest rooms. As Queens throned in ergonomically designed one armed chairs, we saw the jester of the court perform his debut. The image of the front balded, blood shot eyed, spittle dipped moustached face and the alarmingly ringing "Aaargaaanick chemistrieeeeee....caaarbun hund itssss caaampoundsss" is etched in my memory as it would have been with 78 other brains of the court. Ah! How can I forget jester's OHville? Filled with test tubes of concoction and chinaware of blue hued salts and acrid, pungent, rotten egg smelling atmosphere and his lil assistant ‘the cckrooooomayil kiloridddd’ lady!
*I actually found out the exact colour - Nadeshiko pink
Drenched in the showers of hilarity or I should rather explicitly say “showers of spit” we settled down for yet another act of entertainment. And there she enters! The opera house singer! Her dreamy eyes karoaked a lullaby and as we drowse in the melody… a ‘centriiifuuuuuuugalllllll and centriiipeeeeetallll force’ shriek brought us back to the reality of physics!
Yes! Memories of Super Senior phase mostly blanketed around the aforementioned jester and the opera singer and the clowns they produced! (if you know wat I mean!)
But, the best part of any entertainment is the company with whom we shared. As such, a company to secretly laugh and hide behind mouth wipes, a company to grunt into people’s years, a company to go ‘oh so cuuute’ and fall off our beloved cycles… I had 3 buddies!
Bright blue painted palms, glitter smudged face and a mole smeared jus rightly on the cheek! Her Srilankan dusk skin is still a carpet of sun glowing sand! The 2 glory years of ultimate fun and self revelation as a sporty tomboy from a calm ‘ramanujam’ geek can well be credited to the new girl in the group – Sajreena!
A mood of rainbow, a mood of naughtiness, a mood of utterly nonsensical oscar speeches, a mood of character sketches out of ‘the opera singer’s’ interconnected lines, a mood of giggling over ‘filomeeenas’ of class, a mood of blushes over lunch time ‘partition’.. .and put together is a flush of COPPER NITRATE BLUE – Attractive, elegant, cheerful, bright and exclusive – that’s Saj! That was Saj to me! Crayoning a shade of her ‘BLUE’ in my life! The new girl…Oh! No more so new! A part of my girl gang, my world!!
The sleepovers, the movies, the beach drives, the CCD hang outs, etc etc year after year had shown me Saj as the ever vibrant attitudette, but had failed to show the sensitivity she holds at great inside her. And the year that had just gone by proved me jus that!
The calmness behind her moist eyes is a mask to her thoughts mumbling inside, thoughts of care, love and friendship and I couldn’t ask more from her when I was in her rummaging thoughts behind her moist eyes. I can’t remember the last time when a friend had genuinely cried for me and I’m privileged enough to declare that my friend Saj did it for me and I’m more than fortunate to have Saj in my life.
Recently I made a trip with Saj and with Priyanka a friend of mine and I should say that it was one of the most enjoyable experiences! Over a lil chit chat, Priyanka mentioned how she found the bond between me and Saj overwhelming. Beyond the yapping and more yapping between 2 girl friends, she said that the calmness, respect and care we share for each other was admirable!
That is a compliment to the friendship bond that Saj and I share! Which I would take for the rest of the years to come!
On a closing note – Saj, I might not be the friend to hug you, lay a peck on your cheek and shout out ‘I love you’ but never fail to know that you’re a friend best loved, you’re a friend I regret I met late in life…… Thanks for being there for me! :)
fall off our beloved cycles.. :) A la Bob Galy isshtyle.. :P